Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


download     essence  Alpha et Omega (pdf)

Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  





A.  Book of Chants

An economic-political male power is fundamentally suffering from a
perfidious conception of the community, of the position of the woman.

 'Iblīs1 and his wife' are made an idol, the own children sacrificed
to 'mammon'
2. Men's soulless eros, 'demon between
the mortal and the immortal'
(Plato), in the pact with
the reactive sexus of feminist mothers
3, has provoked this.

1When your Lord said to the angels: »I will create man from clay.
When I have moulded him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall and
prostrate yourselves before him.« Then the angels all prostrated themselves together,
except Iblis; he was haughty and was one of the disbelievers.
(Qur'an 38:71-74)

2No servant can serve two masters; he will either hate the one and love the other
or he will stand by the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both,
God and mammon.
(Luke 16:13)

3Herodias' daughter went forth and asked her mother, 'What shall I wish for?'
Herodias replied, 'The head of John the Baptist.'
(Mark 6:24)

Feminine action in intelligent uncertainty not only enforces karma for itself – it directly influences 'afflictions of the earth'
1. 'Community in reverence of the religious and spiritual feminine ideal', not only defines the abode of our human spirit in dialogue: It is the rock foundation on which the Planetary Consciousness of humanity rests.

1Escape, people of Benjamin, get out of Jerusalem! Blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and raise a signal on Beth-haccherem! For evil looms out of the north, and great destruction. The lovely and delicately bred I will destroy, the daughter of Zion. Shepherds with their flocks shall come to her; they shall pitch their tents around her; they shall pasture, each in his place. Proclaim the holy war against Zion! Arise! Let us attack at noon! – Woe to us: the day is already drawing to a close, the evening shadows are stretching out. Up! Let us attack by night and destroy her palaces! For thus says the Lord of hosts: Cut down her trees and raise up a wall against Jerusalem! This is the city of which it has been proven that everything in it is oppression. As a fountain gushes forth its waters, so she gushes forth her wickedness: violence and destruction are heard within her; sickness and wounds are ever before me. Be warned, Jerusalem, lest I turn from you in disgust, lest I make you a desolation, an uninhabited land. Thus says the Lord of hosts: They shall glean thoroughly as a vine the remnant of Israel; like a grape gatherer pass your hand again over its branches. To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ears are uncircumcised, they cannot listen; behold, the word of the Lord is to them an object of scorn; they take no pleasure in it. – Pour it out upon the children in the street, and upon the gatherings of young men, also; both husband and wife shall be taken, the elderly and the very aged. Their houses shall be turned over to others, their fields and wives together, for I will stretch out my hand against the inhabitants of the land, declares the Lord. From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practise deceit. They want to heal the wound of my people lightly, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace. They should be ashamed for they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know shame. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown, says the Lord. (Jeremiah 6,1-15)

From out of the city the dying groan, the lives of the slain cry out loudly.
But God pays no heed to their pleas.
(Job 24:12)

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side and tear you down to the ground, you and your children, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation. (Luke 19:41-44)

Sanctuary we are
desecrated by father and mother. Your answer remains deception.

"The mountain has been plundered; its trees have been felled, and it stands naked. On its summit stands a temple of marble, gold, glass and steel, and it is wonderful - but terrible. No one prays there." (Tolkien, The History of Middle-earth). The soul sinks into the swamp of warring religions. The creative dream dies in the pollution of faith, in the exuberance of the divine persona. The 'fermentation of dubious odour' (Lévi-Strauss) spoils the scent of the rose like the song of the nightingale. The wind blows away the earth, the fire boils the water. The cultures of war devour our souls.

1Everyone deceives his neighbor, and no one speaks the truth.
They have taught their tongue to speak lies; they act wrongly, they are too sluggish to revert.
Oppression everywhere, nothing but deceit! They refuse to know me – Saying of the Lord.
(Jeremiah 9:4-5)

Pandora's Box 
The Venus trap, seductive woman, sucks us into her trivial and monotonous patterns. The cry for help of daughter Earth is subjected to the charm of the pride of the mothers' sons. False masculinity glows in sultry damp. 'An excess of spiritual eros draws femininity down into ruin' (C.G. Jung). 'In bloody constraint', a paternal majesty murders the cultural values of humanity. In the hormonal charm of natural childbirth 'women in their morality go conform with those they love' (La Bruyère) and "it is this long, very narrow alley, comparable with a very low, dark and narrow oven, its bottom of total dirt, stinking mud full of disgusting worms – there the soul’s dying away takes place amidst unspeakable, devastating despair" (Teresa de Ávila, Libro de la Vida).

Die Weisheit der Unbefleckten Empfängnis ist größer und schwerer zu erlangen als Intellekt, Frömmigkeit oder Spiritualität: „Viele Leute glauben, dass es genüge, unterstützt von Musik, sich einem vagen mystischen Gefühl hinzugeben, um die Gottheit zu empfangen. Wenn man sich aber nur mit der Hingabe zufriedengibt, ist man passiv. Dann ist nicht sicher, ob man in dem Moment eine Gottheit empfängt oder eher einige Teufel, die einen Unwissenden finden, der allen Stürmen schutzlos ausgeliefert ist und sich freuen, einen Ort zu finden, an dem sie sich niederlassen können. Wenn ihr eine Flüssigkeit in ein Gefäß gießen sollt, nehmt ihr kein schmutziges Gefäß, und wenn es schmutzig ist, dann wascht ihr es. Und ihr, wenn ihr wie ein schmutziges Gefäß seid, glaubt ihr, dass der Heilige Geist sich in euch niederlassen wird? – Was kommen wird, sind dunkle, unreine Wesenheiten, weil sie von der Nahrung angezogen werden, die in euch vorhanden ist in Form von Leidenschaften und schlecht beherrschten Instinkten.“ (Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Geistiges und künstlerisches Schaffen, Prosveta Verlag, Izvor 223).

Dialogue is not psyche-logical  Most people are prejudiced in their speech. In the impression of subconscious feelings of hatred, suppressing feelings of guilt, they tend to express introspective thoughts: 'God has sealed their hearts and their ears, and over their eyesight lies a covering, destined for them is great torment' (Sura 2.7 the Cow). In this way, however, dialogue turns out to be counterproductive. Only under the vow, to hear anew with the heart 'like a child'1, to see anew, to love anew – realising in the most intimate images of the soul what is happening spiritually universal and cosmically in the circumstances, we will be able to heal planet earth in the feast of Koinonia, creating New Mythology.

1Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
(Matthew 18:3)



>> Index      >> Situation: Anamnesis und anā-Lyse







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter

Musical Introduction

»significatio passiva«

A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
D. Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions
H. Appeal to the Women

I. Global Warning
   Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
J. The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
L. Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age

Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
P. About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the wise serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
W. Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Y. Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge