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Index essence Alpha et Omega | |||||||||||
I. Oxytocin – the art of remembering and forgetting
Oxytocin plays the main role in building a social bond between women and men.
The hormone has the gift of promoting trust and tolerance between people.
Oxytocin is crucial for the development of a long-lasting partnership. Since it
triggers the development of deep feelings, it is the basis for love and
fidelity. Oxytocin is the prerequisite for connections between people to develop
and remain; more than that: it is the stuff our moral decisions are made of.
Oxytocin makes us feel calm, relaxed, content and full of confidence. Oxytocin
spreads to all the important parts of the brain and reaches the areas where high
blood pressure, heartbeat and aggressive behaviour are regulated. The more
oxytocin is released, the less adrenaline is released. The pain threshold rises
and the stress hormones decrease. Oxytocin reduces anxiety and depression; even
wounds heal faster; it dampens stress reactions, strengthens the immune system
and leads to balance.
Besonders ermöglicht
Oxytocin den Menschen, die Beziehungen zwischen Dingen und zwischen Menschen
klarer zu erkennen.
you look at the brain, there is a stress area and an anti-stress area: the right
hemisphere of the brain guarantees health and life sustaining, the left
hemisphere stands for activity: you need both, you need the balance of both
halves. In our society, the stress half occupies too much space. The individual
suffers from irritability, hecticness, dissatisfaction, and more and more social
bonds are breaking;
und dies
hat mit unserer Gier nach Geld und Macht, Position, Anerkennung, Namen zu tun,
in denen unsere Fähigkeiten zu bildhaftem, symbolischem und analogem Denken
beginnen zu ersticken.' (Prof. Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Karolínska-Institute,
Wir kommen nicht mit Empathiefähigkeit auf die Welt. Studien
zeigen, 'ausgelöst vom Hormon Oxytocin können Fische Angst bei anderen Fischen
erkennen und dann in einer Art emotionaler Ansteckung selbst empfinden' (Evolutionarily
conserved role
of oxytocin in social fear
contagion in zebrafish, Science 23 March 2023 V 379).
Gefahren zu kommunizieren, ist also Berühren überlebenswichtig; 'wichtig ist
das Gefühl, dass man helfen kann, und das kann auch von
außen kommen. Wenn wir wollen, dass Menschen ihre Empathie in die gute,
hilfreiche Richtung entwickeln, sollten wir dafür sorgen, dass es Möglichkeiten
gibt zu helfen, die für den Einzelnen umsetzbar sind.' (Grit
Hein, Professorin für Translationale Soziale
Neurowissenschaften an Universität Würzburg). Das Verständnis der Struktur
eines Systems ist der Schlüssel zum Verständnis seiner Funktion (The Science of
Orgasm, Komisaruk, Whipple, Beyer-Flores 2009), weil
'der Zustand des Ganzen derart ist, dass er die Teile ordnet' (David Bohm, On
Dialog); daher kann die Struktur einer neuen Art von Gemeinwesen die
Erkenntnisfunktion unseres Gehirns ändern. Dabei wird es sein, dass das Hormon
Oxytocin hilft, dass sich etwas Besonderes, Unbekanntes entwickelt.
Planetarische Ethik braucht die erleuchteten seelischen
Dimensionen der Geschlechter
Unberührbar ist den Unerfahrenen 'die unbefleckte Empfängnis': das Himmelreich
Through the lungs we pass on beliefs to ourselves and to our environment – if
this is lacking, the absorption of 'polluted faith' (unnatural way of life) can
make the lungs sick. Chained to ballast that burdens the mind, the soul can no
longer free itself from foreign thoughts that blackmail it and lie heavy on the
heart and kidneys, which puts pressure on the mind. False counter-speech pushes
up. Breathing in the wrong direction, "get in contact with mucus in the brain,
accompanied by dizziness when we concentrate, which can further lead to back
pain and heart attacks" (Geshe Rabten).
women's conscious or subconscious dissatisfaction with their own personalities –
of which an increasing number of serious illnesses bear eloquent witness – is
usually based on a lack of religiosity in psychological thinking and feeling,
since there is a lack of the archetype of the soul, which again results in men's
the lack of spiritual service, that time of the soul – the spiritual teachings
(sermons) and psychoanalytic-group-dynamic purification included –, in which,
however, priests are regarded by women with great aversion and unwillingness,
rather than with 'love toward the image'.
Gottesfurcht gilt als Anfang von Religiosität
Sleeping Beauty – a comparative endocrinology
'The sting of the bee develops from the reproductive organ, from the
oviposition process of the female. The allergic reactions are a weapon against
parasites, with the chance of bringing more offspring into the world.'
(Spectrum, Scientific American). 'Worker bees are almost blind. They find
flowers through their olfactory and gustatory organs. The queen flies as high as
possible on her nuptial flight towards the sun to which she belongs. She is born
out of the sun. She must acquire a new people.' (Rudolf Steiner, Lectures at the
Goetheanum). Certain influences in the womb {autonomous passion (self-legislated
libido) with subconscious eros (conditioned falling in love)} can have a
negative feedback on the ethical behaviour of generations; most intimate
attachment to the bodily conception of the self, combined with a conditioned
devotion to Mary, is capable to eliminate the transcription of certain genes
through temporary modifications {DNA methylation}; symbolically expressed: the
realisation of a difference between soul-queens and worker bees lies in the
special food – if new queens are to be raised, 'the old queens' [and this does
not mean archaeology, but the hierarchy (old in value)] together with some nurse
bees {the healing-conductors} have to leave the so warm nest {worshiping
adoration} in order to settle down in a new place {house-church, in the lyse-emotion
'mystical ecstasy of selflessness'}. If the souls slumber, "married life"
terminates all cultural activity of "good men". For "it is done for honey when
the bear is guarding it" (Proverbia). |
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essence Alpha et Omega
Table of contents of each chapter
Musical Introduction
»significatio passiva«
Book of
Situation: Anamnesis und
Of the Inner Images
Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible
au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
with the wise serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred
New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural
Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
and Songs
Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge