Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  






X.  Prayers and Songs

'My eyes rise to the eternal vault of heaven, to you, O shining star of the night! and all desires, oblivion of all hopes streams down from your eternity, I am in it, I am everything, I am only it' (Hegel, Eleusis). Flashes of the spirit illuminate the night of the earth, the femininity bound up with the high crown brightly radiates peace.

Look to the star
 "When you are driven on the waves of pride, on the waves of ambition, of defamations, of jealousy, turn your eyes to that star, invoke Mary! When anger, greed or the temptations of the flesh want to throw your ship of life off course, look to Mary! When you, dismayed by the monstrosity of offences, confused by a bad conscience, seized by the dread of court, are gradually being swallowed up by the abyss of desolation, by the depths of despair, think of Mary! In dangers, in fears, in precarious situations, think of Mary, call on Mary! She may not part from your lips. She may not withdraw from your heart. And so that you may obtain the help of her intercession, never lose sight of the example of her way of life from your eyes. When you follow her, you will not loose the right path, when you beg her you will not despair, when you think of her you will not go astray. When she holds you, you will not fall; when she protects you, you will not be afraid; when she guides you, you will not languish; when she is gracious to you, you will reach your goal. Thus you will experience for yourself: 'And the virgin's name was Mary' (Luke 1:27)." (Bernard of Clairvaux, De laudibus Virginis Matris / see the Cistercian altar in Brother Klausen's meditation picture).

Wisdom of spiritual Women is greater than piety, intellect or spirituality of men altogether
'The desire of a man is evil from his youth' (Genesis 8:21). And 'the more men become more spiritual, the greater even their evil compulsiveness becomes' (Talmud Suka 52a): "Sacrificial wine (conjugal love) robs women of their minds. The spirit of lasciviousness leads them astray. Cursing and deceit, murder, theft and adultery are spreading, and deed of blood follows deed of blood." (Hosea 4:11-12). That is why a woman becomes a lioness 'she lies in wait by the road like a panther, she attacks the man like a mother bear whose cubs have been robbed, she tears his breast and his heart' (Hosea 13:7). – It is perfect spirituality of women that is fulfilling: "I give you a new heart and lay a new spirit within you. I take the heart of stone from your breast and give you a heart of flesh. I breathe my spirit into you and then you become alive. Behold: I place you into your land of the soul, then you will recognise that I am the Lord. I have spoken, and I will do it – says the Lord." (Ezekiel 37:14). In the way men, according to their individual soul character, are active in the community of enlightened souls, women can manifest »planetary personality«, fulfilling their sacred and true mission: giving healing and peace to the earth.

Ein Poet und Komponist mag sich vielleicht fragen: "Habe ich diesen Vers geschrieben? Woher mag er nur gekommen sein? Dieses Lied ist so wunderbar! Wie kam nur diese Ein-Gebung zu mir?" -- Die Liebe des Ewig-Weiblichen ist die Kraft, die geschaffen hat; Sie ist die einzige Kraft, die erschaffen kann. In Ihr wird die Liebende und ihre Manifestation, das Objekt der Liebe, Eins im selben Augenblick. Die indische Mystik benennt dies mit 'Purusha und Prakriti'. Das Christentum bezeugt: Christi Zeugung von Gott 'aus Maria mit Hilfe des Heiligen Geistes'. Das Eine ist Liebe; das andere Schönheit: Maria, die Seele des Mannes. 'Gott ist Liebe' (1 Johannes 4:8). Spirituelle Feminität muss die Schönheit der kulturellen männlichen Seelen schaffen, um lieben zu können; deshalb wird Sie Schöpferin, 'Herrin' (Genesis 17:15-16) genannt. Die Liebenden, die der leidenden Menschheit sich erbarmenden spirituellen Frauen, Sie haben die Macht, Frieden zu schaffen. Das, was Sie erschaffen, nämlich die seelenvollen Kulturellen, dient dem Zweck, Ihre Liebe zu empfangen. Unsere Belohnung kommt von Gott, die Liebe. Tonight the multitudes of stars give birth to eternal life. Peace, eternal life is born as the becoming.

Healing of the earth  To find the SENSE is to find an element that only the divine love of the woman can give to men. The organism 'woman' has received serious injuries; therefore: when women are loving now, for men this does not mean: "just get on with it!" 'Heaven has its dangerous height, which protects it against any attempt to interfere. Loving is sin, repetition of the abysmal. Disaster. (I GING 29.1). Behaving regressively, or calling oneself "protestant"... this puts the world in even deeper danger. Nor is it about confirming new structures instead of the old ones, but about deconstruction! (Bhagavad-gita 18.22). It is necessary that men make their self-cultivation, their soul-character in 'unpaid time', of service in the community. "For just as a field, even if it is fertile, cannot yield fruit without care, just the same as the female spirit without spiritual instruction" (Cicero). Then women, by virtue of their divine sexuality, are able to achieve what for men is denied.

Acts 28:2-6  'Paul's shipwreck and the serpent's bite'
"The ship ran aground on a sandbank, the bow sank in and became immovable; the stern began to break in the surf. But it happened that everyone was rescued, partly on planks, partly on other shipwrecks. The locals lit a fire and brought us all in because it had started to rain and was cold. As Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and put it on the fire, due to the heat, a viper came out and bit his hand. When they saw the animal hanging from his hand, they said to each other: "This man is certainly a murderer; the goddess of vengeance will not let him live, even though he has escaped the sea. But he hurled the animal into the fire and suffered no harm. They expected him to suddenly drop dead. When they waited a while and saw that nothing bad happened to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god." Comment: For that which harms the one can benefit the others. This is how some men burn in the purgatory of feminist power, without burning. On the other hand, the metamorphosis of the female – from caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly (Goethe, Mignon) – seems to be threatening for the Adam-weak men and the neurotic-diseased landlords; it reflects their attitude, of Iblīs (Koran, Sura 2:24) paternalistic view of bringing the old world to ruin by plunging it into hell.

Vom Heilen  Männer, die genaue, umfassende Kenntnis vom Leiden der Menschheit haben, und der »Grünen Tara« {Frauen beim gruppenanalytischen Heilen} helfend zur Seite stehen, diese haben den »Gralskelch«, den Kelch des Neuen Bundes gefunden. Sie sind Besitzer des 'wahren Weins', sie werden »Heiler« genannt. Sie heilen durch Psychodrama (Lukas 19,45-48), mit vergebendem Blick und inspirierendem Wort, im Symposium; ihre tätige Hand bei der Zubereitung des Gastmahls überträgt all die Heilkräfte ihrer Seelennatur (effektive Heilung ist das! unprätentiös und bescheiden). Damit Frauen mit dem Fest Grillfrühstück am Morgen (Johannes 21:3-14) endlich jene Wandlung bewirken können, die unserer Erde Frieden bringt.

Practically, there are three temples in which we approach the personal Divine Being. In the first temple (chapel) we understand the »Beloved Lord« in a special form and with special qualities as the name and form of the deity that we favour in our nature and personality. In the second temple (our own body) is »God only true person«: all-personality, 'which imbues the mind with spiritual joy and enlightens with the spiritual light' (Sri Aurobindo). In the third temple »the awakening of the human spirit« takes place; there, the realisations of the spiritual and divine Supreme Being as man and woman meet in cosmic religiosity.

Planetary consciousness rises above boundaries of our self-centredness
"There is a wonderful way that helps living beings to realise purification, to overcome sorrow and grief directly, to put an end to pain and fear, to take the right path and to realise freedom from suffering. This path is the path of Four Anchorages of Mindfulness." Maha-Satipatthana-Sutta, Majjhima-Nikāya, 10th discourse. [Women cannot agree until they have attained this state.]

Svatmarama Yogi, Hatha Yoga Pradipika  Prathamo Padeshah  I.47-48
"The soles of the feet are carefully placed on the thighs, pointing upwards, the hands also directed upwards between them. This is where the gaze is directed. The gaze is directed to the tip of the nose, then the tongue is rolled upwards to the root of the incisors, the chin is lowered to the chest, thus, the life energy can be slowly drawn upwards." 'Then I heard something like the call of a great multitude. And they sang a new song. (Revelations 5:9).

From the meeting house in the garden of the heavenly light of women [Noor-un-Nisa].
The sanctuary founded for mankind is the Universel – abundant in blessings and 'a guideline for all peoples'. In it are clear signs: the place of 'Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Buddha' – whoever enters this house has peace. To gather for dialogue in the sanctuary, whoever can find his way there, is a noble men's 'duty before God': this makes women's hearts devoted towards the cultural spirit. 'And We provide them with the fruit and meat of what they desire' (Sura 52, The Mountain).

Aischa berichtete: „Elf Frauen saßen zusammen, und sie hatten einander versprochen sich nichts über ihre Ehemänner zu verschweigen. Die elfte Frau erzählte: Mein Mann ist Abu Zar! Welch wunderbarer Mann er ist! Er machte mich so glücklich, dass ich mich über mich selbst freuen konnte. Eines Tages verließ er unser Haus. Es war zu der Zeit, als die Milchschläuche zur Butterherstellung geschleudert wurden. Er begegnete einer Frau mit zwei Knaben, die Geparden glichen und mit Granatäpfeln spielten. Da schied Abu Zar sich von mir und heiratete diese Frau. Ich heiratete darauf einen angesehenen und großmütigen Mann, der ein vorzügliches Pferd ritt und immer eine Lanze mit sich führte. Er machte mir viele Geschenke, er gab mir von allen Weidetieren ein Paar und sagte: Iss, O Umm Zar, und trag Sorge um die Deinen! Doch selbst wenn ich alles zusammenrechne, was dieser mir gegeben hat, so kommt es doch dem unbedeutendsten Utensil, das Abu Zar mir schenkte, nicht gleich.“ Aischa, ergänzte: „Der Gesandte Gottes, Gottes Segen und Heil auf ihm, sagte zu mir: „O Aischa, ich bin zu dir wie Abu Zar zu Umm Zar!“ Sahih Muslim 4481

The true affinity of everyone's life is to attain the Maria Immaculata, that God-woman who cannot be touched, nor embraced, nor understood. The hidden blessing of this knowledge is the first step towards the perfection of human life. As soon as a couple becomes aware of this fact, they realise that there is something in life that makes them truly happy and fulfils their hearts' desire, so that they can say: "Although there are many things in life that we need for the moment and that we will certainly work for, yet there is only she, the One that life revolves around and who will satisfy us: spiritual attainment, religious achievement or, as we can also call it: unification in God."

The sacred in the world – The way to always maintain confidentiality with God
"You will be carried on the breasts and caressed on the knees. Like a mother caresses her child, so I will comfort you. When you see this, your heart will rejoice, and you will blossom like fresh grass." (Isaiah 66:12-14). 'Just as a mother finds joy when she can take her beloved child on her lap, nourish and caress it, the Creator is also pleased when He likewise may treat souls who have given themselves completely to Him and who put all their trust in His goodness. For the grace of God is that unfathomable treasure, through which we become the beloved friends of our Creator.' Alphonsus Maria von Liguori.

"Bodhisattva is the most exalted elixir that overcomes the dominion of death, the inexhaustible treasure that eliminates poverty in the world, the supreme medicine that cures all the diseases of the world. Bodhisattva is the tree that gives protection to all beings who are tired of wandering on the path of conditioned existence, the great bridge, that leads to freedom from birth in lower realms, the rising moon of the mind that dissolves the torments of constant concepts, the mighty sun that finally dispels the mists of delusion in the world." Shantideva: A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life.

Psalm 83  A prayer in relation to war – plea for help against the enemies of culture – A prayer of supplication to the immaculate heart for protection against invasion  "They cry out: 'Let us conquer God's land! My God, let them whirl away like dust, like chaff before the wind! Like the fire that burns whole forests, like the flame that scorches mountains, chase them away with your storm and scare them with your weather! Cover their faces with disgrace, so that they may ask your name, O Lord. Let them be ashamed, let them perish for ever, let them perish with infamy. Let them recognise that it is you. Lord is your name. You alone are the Most High over all the earth."

"It's not his shape, it's not his appearance, and it's not what he says. It is His atmosphere. It is that which communicates His presence to you, that which conveys His atmosphere to you. Now let your mind wander to Mount Kailas, to visit 'Shiva' as he sits there in samadhi, master over the physical and mental functions; while you are still psychologically hampered by addictions you cannot attune yourself to His consciousness, but the influence of His powerful being could help you overcome these addictions. – And as for 'Buddha': reaching his consciousness would make you free, because He found freedom. But He is uncompromising, so you would have to give up not only your desires but to give up desires altogether. 'Krishna' is of course an anticipation of 'Christ': He is God who became a child and therefore human. To find his soul 'Sita' again, 'Rama' puts his animal nature entirely at the service of his heavenly nature."
Hazrat Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, The Juliet Hollister Award 2004.

Art can only save the world – soul-fulfilled art that arises from the insight of the path of initiation. It is the Cultural Creatives who must therefore be given the first place in the future; for it is they who, with their character, are the composers of a 'philosophy of music' that resounds as a 'criticism of religions' (Bhagavad-gita 18:66) to help people with body and soul to realise what the intelligence of the Divine Mother considers right, true and beautiful, and what the enlightened soul conscience of men also considers good, so that that communal spirit can flow into the programming of the universe, which the planets [Sun (the Great Mother), Mercurius (Genius), Venus (the Great Goddess), Moon (St Mary Magdalene), Mars (Shiva), Jupiter (Rama), Saturn (the dervish), Urania (Chokmah / celestial women)], which in turn exert their influence on the whole of humanity. The Cultural Creatives, by regularly giving their hearts full of love to the enlightened femininity – being able to introduce order and reason into their thoughts and feelings in such a way that the aristocracy of women – through imitation – regains its living soul, then there will be peace and health "for the sake of love", and humanity will follow and finally find its peace.

The star of 'Bethlehem' (House of Bread)
is the interaction of two planets: Jupiter {Rama} and Saturn {Buddha} in the zodiac sign 'Pisces' (Christ as man and woman), "the eternal procreation of the Word in spiritual being and its birth in time, as the Planetary Consciousness, through the work of the Holy Spirit". The circle of this mystery widens in the zodiac sign 'Aquarius' (fraternity): 'When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars {Shiva} Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars' (Musical Hair: The Aquarius-Song).

The learning of the feelings from the light of the Divine Mother is the dialogue path, to unveil to the feminine pleasure the unholy, soulless. Only our understanding of the higher order, at work in nature, can promote harmonious coexistence with our ecosystem: "For we are the temple of the living God" (2 Corinthians 6:16).

Denn Du hast dieses 'Ich' und 'Wir' ersonnen, um das Spiel der Anbetung
mit Dir Selbst zu spielen, so dass alle Ich's und Du's zu einer einzigen Seele werden
und schließlich ganz im Geliebten versinken.
Maulana Jelal ud-Din Rumi



>> Index        >> Universel Intertextual Human Experience







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter:

Symphony of Peace
»significatio passiva«

A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions
H. Appeal to the Women
I. Global Warning
    Cultural analytical Dialogue
J. Nuclear War against Humane Culture
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the wise Serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – The religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring: chivalric friendship
Culture and Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Universel – Intertextual Human Experience
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge