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IV. Synthesis – Planetary self-organisation The love of love, capacity for freedom, synthesis of nature in dialogue, ethics of an explicit order, the comprehension of the archetypal functions. The cosmological vision 'transformed by evolution in the spirit' as the universally acting principle that arises from the nature of the 'ten thousand angels and saints' (Deuteronomy 33:2): the collective creation of our cultural spirit translated into language. Synchronicity, dissipative structures, negentropy, antisymmetrygamy: irreversibility and randomness are the rules (Ilya Prigogine). Communication as sacrament: discipline of transcultural conscience: descending human spirit and creative love. III. Pleonexia and Wars – Paralysis of the soul becomes dialogue-inability Incorporation of religions into the dominance relationship of the Lord Gods (Micah 2:2), paternal egomania in the neutrality of a soulless perfection. The art of the sons of always staying right. Delusions of grandeur of name and fame, woman as utility-value, birth-value and exchange-value. Motto: 'One thing is not suitable for all, let each one see how he does, let each one see where he stays, and whoever stands, that he may not fall'; ethicless in-between-state: You can do what I want – 'wise I should be, honesty is foolish (Shakespeare's Othello) and harmony disturbing truths are more annoying than lies', and whoever deviates from them is being defamed, sanctioned. If social seclusion overgrows, the egoistic, absolute, individual man the cultural conscience, wars and pestilence, Medusa’s nature and Kali’s flaming tongue come into appearance. O patriotic cult: How you grin serenely at the fate of thousands! (Goethe’s Faust; Isaiah 57:1). 'Not the goddess, but God' – with the angelic bad multitude are they joined (Matthew 25:41), those who, without being indignant against God, were faithful to him not, but were impartial (Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia) – the third Canto of Hell: 'the acting one is always conscienceless; nobody has conscience as the observer.' II. Libertinage Reckless plundering of resources: bigger, faster, further, better; destructive societies: complacent, individualistic, tolerant, cosmopolitan, effort-oriented. Children without parents, mothers without daughters, fathers without sons (civil war). Individual and national craving for recognition, discursive thinking. Trade wars, tourism, greed and seduction: Helena’s love for Paris, 'Cosi fan tutte: That's how everyone does it' (Mozart), what is permitted is what pleases! (Goethe, Torquato Tasso II.1), matriarchal primal communism: "You can do what you want as long as I may do the same" (Emanuelle, Jaeckin), 'fair is foul, and foul is fair' (Macbeth I.I). Marriage as preparation for divorce – the purgatory: 'To witches the broom lends shape, cauldron lends them voice.' (Strauss/Hofmannsthal, 'The Woman Without a Shadow', Libretto). I. Fun and Money I do what I want! The rough, thoughtless inconsiderate ego, which is only interested in what it wants, what it likes, and does not allow itself to be deprived of any error that is of use to it. Maternal instinct with a pitiless will to power, even to the point of destroying the individual personality of the child (C.G. Jung), ravenous innocence (J. Milton), the deep sleep of the physis, megalomania (Genesis 3:5), gravitational interaction, the slaughtered ox (Rembrandt). Hostility, hatred, violence, division, Chaos and anarchy: extremism, terrorism, racism, gang wars, turmoil (Book of Ester 1:1d), wild acts. Killing in the dark – the inferno.
Frauen mögen ein Bewusstsein dafür entwickelt haben, dass Gedanken und Gefühle Einfluss auf das Funktionieren ihres Organismus haben. Man beobachtet dieses bei seinem eigenen Fühlen und Denken, wie z. B. bei Hass, Wut, Angst oder Beklemmung, und den Gefühlen, die durch schlechte Nachrichten verursacht werden. Insbesondere wird man empfinden, dass die Absonderung seiner Drüsen (Chakren) gestört ist; man fühlt sich vergiftet, wissend, dass negative Emotionen die Gesundheit schädigen. Wie viele Frauen aber bemühen sich dann, Erkrankungen bei sich und anderen zu vermeiden, um den allgemeinen psychischen Zustand zu heilen? Heißt es denn nicht: „Liebe den Nächsten wie dich selbst?“ – im Alten wie im Neuen Testament. Würden Frauen sich sodann bewusst entschließen, 'Buddhas göttlichen Bewusstseinszustand' auch in der Arbeit mit neurotischer Männlichkeit in sich aufrechtzuerhalten, würden sie begreifen, dass gleichermaßen, wie von negativen Gedanken und Gefühlen niederer Weiblichkeit vergiftet, es der Zustand der positiven lichtvollen göttlichen Weiblichkeit ist, jenes »Être féminin«, der Männer zur schöpferischen Seelengefühlswelt befreit, dergestalt im dialogischen Gruppenprozess das Planetarische Bewusstsein der ganzen Menschheit sich erhebt, was das ganze Universum heilt und stärkt, auf dass neue Planeten und Sterne erstrahlen können. Von Weiblichkeit als »Gottes Sein« metamorphosiert der Mann in den Grund seines kosmisch-seelischen Wesens, wobei durch kulturell-kreativen Geist, mit und in der Frauen Wandlung zu planetarischem Bewusstsein, sich eine Botschaft in den galaktischen Kosmos transportiert. Und wie Sterne und Planeten ihren Einfluss haben auf die Lebewesen auf Erden, so wirkt dann der Einfluss erleuchteter Seelen, welche die Planeten repräsentieren, auf die Menschen und Völker der ganzen Welt.
Rapture of the Psyche or Of the Wise Virgins and their Bridegroom (Matthew 25)
the rose of Jericho is completely desiccated and apparently dead, you only need
to plunge it into water and in a few hours it will be green and alive again.
This is how the merciful influence of men's selfless soul-activity has an effect
on women's hearts. And this is the real lesson in the dialogue: the men's souls
are there for the women's personality, women are not there for the men's
personality. It happens when men reach a consensus about what makes up the
positive and what constitutes the negative behaviour, and what is right and
wrong, what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. This requires men to have
a thorough experience of the nature of their soul spirit in order to bring about
the sense of the feminine, to bring forth peace in morality.
Shakuntala's speech
(after the Holy Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Sambhava Parva 74 The Birth of the
the five ways of thinking
way men think has a decisive effect on the evolvement of women’s soul powers.
Five different ways of thinking can be discerned: ordinary thinking, scientific
thinking (Cartesian doubt) and protocritical thinking, not based on experience
('thinking I am!' Descartes); these personal, peri-personal or cosmic,
subliminal states of consciousness of our identity are, however, egocentric and
have little to do with the building of a New World. Only Transcendental Thinking
(L'estro armonico, Antonio Vivaldi), creative inspirations into the mind towards
humane speech, and thus associated 'thinking in archetypes', can bring forth
those characters that grasp the sense of relationship, to build a Beautiful New
World with the Pentecostal spirit of unity. In correcting the errors of the
'house-church'-women, it is not the intellect that is of significant benefit. It
is the outpouring of spiritual forgiveness-streams that can wash the stains
away: "to close one’s eyes to the errors of the women, to forgive them and yet
correct them with all tolerance, gentleness and humility, making all things
natural before them, nothing too terrible, but to show them the picture of a
better life, and so draw them towards what is beautiful and what is ideal" –
that is the task of the men in the 'Dialogue of Women': the spiritual-cultural,
soulful-character, 'A winged heart of moon and star'. People show the way it is
expected of them; this is how men behave cleverly and women accordingly
comfortably, but the more unspiritual men are, the more psychologically
desperate women become. So how spiritual women become, depends on how
spiritual-cultural men are. If men work constructively culturally-spiritually
with women, we will live in a different world.
The sign from far
away 'Blessed art thou, my Lord, with all thy creatures,
especially the Lady, Sister Sun, through Brother Moon and the Stars' (Francesco
d'Assisi). The spiritual school of women gives to all Cultural Creatives a
sign. It is a splendour that is imprinted into the whole being of the woman so
that 'no one can take it away from her' (Luke 10:42). From the sanctuary of
»brotherhood of the cultural spirit« women can expand, giving peace to mankind.
For from the subtle 'joy, beautiful spark of the gods' not only lasting
blessedness pours forth – dwelling in the soul-world of the cultural-creative
spirit, women, together with the Cultural-Creatives, are able to conquer those
forces that cause disease, chaos, wars as well as orcanic devastation on Planet
Earth. 'The devil desists from them, and the angels hasten protectively to help
and to be of service' (Matthew 4:11), wherever the Cultural Creatives may go.
'Thus God brings the dead back to life again and makes you see his signs, so
that you may have understanding' (Sura 2,73) and 'the second death shall not
harm them' (Revelation 20:6).
Die Überwindung des Dreimäuligen Drachens oder Vom Wesen des
Ideals 'sich nicht mit Frauen zu beflecken'
Durch Andacht vor Notre-Dame – jene Heiligung, die das Lendenzentrum des Mannes
beherrscht – zieht der Kontemplierende Begierde, Eros-Begehren und
Anima-Bewusstsein aus seinen drei Gehirnarealen, die mit den Sinnen verbunden
sind, zurück, was zur Reue befähigt. Sodann kann durch 'Lob des Herrn' und
'Verherrlichung Gottes Namen' in die Macht universalen Überbewusstseins als
»Gnade und Erbarmung« sich jene kosmische Schöpfungs-Sinfonie als Gemeinschaft
offenbaren, die Grundlage für Planetarisches Bewusstsein ist.
Beziehungssituationen müssen sich nach dem innersten
Gesetz der 'fünf törichten und fünf klugen Jungfrauen' (Matthäus 25:1-12)
entscheiden, denn der Wandel in der Gesinnung der
Männer rührt von der Wechselbeziehung der Geschlechter. Bevor Männer nicht
vom seligen Göttlich-Weiblichen erleuchtet sind, scheinen sie keine andere
Bedeutung der Frau wahrzunehmen, als allein jene, die den Zwecken unmittelbaren
Gebrauchs und Verbrauchs dienen. Die Fähigkeit die Wirklichkeit umzugestalten,
muss sich aber auf Grundlage einer 'Ur-Schenkung der Dinge' (Enzyklika
Centesimus annus 37) von Seiten gelebter Bodhisattva-Spiritualität der Frauen
entwickeln, gemäß dem Ideal der Männer.
Die Seele
des Kulturell-Kreativen bringt Licht des Friedens vom Himmel; der frauliche
Pathos erwirbt sein Wissen von der Erde. Daher geschieht es, dass wenn Frauen
zwar in ihrer Dharma-gebenden Seele (Buddhas Psyche-Analyse) sind, ihr Geist
immer noch zweifelt, mögen die Muselmanen auch noch so "brüderlich glauben",
stattdessen werden die Abwehrmechanismen in jeder einzelnen Frau Verstärkung
suchen bei bereits Etabliertem, 'den vielfach bekräftigten Rationalisierungen
der Gesellschaft, also darin, dass das objektiv Wahre in den Dienst des
subjektiv Unwahren treten kann, und die Liebe etabliert sich als Neurose'
(Adorno). Als das Ziel teuflischer Weiblichkeit zu verschwinden, als das Mittel
Gottes Weiblichkeit zu bleiben: Transkulturalität, der heilende Geist,
prophetisches Reden, Schöpfung, die erfolgreich etwas Neues bildet, wenn
weibliches und männliches Seelentum sich berühren – dies geschieht, wenn
wir den Mut finden, Christus von unseren Fesseln zu befreien,
um das menschlichere Bewusstsein zu geben:
United in Diversity.
American Farming – a Mary can farming
Lack of spirituality leads to the domestication of 'bad men' [oxen in the
plough; donkeys at feeding troughs] and to patriarchal domination over women;
when women’s passionate rivalry is added, it creates inequality and an imbalance
on earth. Like lotuses blossoming from mud and blossom all the more gloriously
because they blossom from mud, only 'ascension to heaven and return' gives the
female lotus strength to unfold its perfume over the waters of wisdom in harmony
(nam-myôhô-renge-kyô) with the universe. For this 'non-burning light' of a man
must illuminate 'thorny bushes' (Exodus 3:2), or else his desire will incinerate
the earth and swords will tyrannise the world. Then, however, the feminine
cannot find its faith again: without Bhakti Yoga the cosmos of the loses its
life-giving healing energy; the people run out of food; for lack of creative
imagination, out of devotion to the hierarchy, the water supply is becoming
increasingly scarce (Sura 7:160-161). Thus the souls lose their joy of giving
love, eros appears as the burden of a compulsion; woman and man no longer work
together: The Work. If the Pentecostal spirit of men is lacking, the silent calm
of the female mirror keeps from the dialogue 'healing of humanity', until
limerent urge draws women from the boring dwelling place of their souls, in
order to quench the longing of their hearts with a physical appetite – into
death. The blossoming of being a woman consists of two components: one part is
what the body borrows from the soul, the deepest inner self, resting lotus-like
as an intuitive Dharma voice over the adored Beloved Lord, the stream of
imagined 'masters, saints and prophets' – here the beloved has no definite
intelligible character "in other words, he is not a unity, but presumably a
multiplicity" (C.G. Jung; cf. "You are gods!" Psalm 82:6, John 10:34). The other
part is the working self 'Supreme Personality of God', which gets energy from
men’s selfless creative spirit, working in the community, element 'fire coming
down from heaven'. Loving the material-spiritual man here [identification with
Allah-masculinity], can manifest itself in truly tragic conflicts: 'The feminine
becomes the victim of its tendency to identity-relationship and alienates itself
from its own nature, by over-developing the masculine animus side. In the
identification with the super-personal masculine [which takes the place of a
genuine devotion to the Beloved Lord], the feminine divests itself of its own
earth-nature, thus becoming a helpless victim of the androgenic powers. This
danger [of denied neurosis] to [unconscious] psychosis to the point of
[unconscious] psychosis is partly conditioned by the fact that the woman in this
extreme self-surrender never reaches the point where the masculine side, which
is not only alive in her partner, but also in her own psyche, to assimilate and
thus develop into an independent personality.' (Erich Neumann, The Psychological
Stages of Female Development, www.opus-magnum.de). In other words, as long as we
do not feminise the sun, the cry "Allah!" breaks our world; but does not at the
same time give balance 'the moonlight of the cultural masculine soul' to the
solar power of the feminine, women’s individuation goes up in flames and the
whole universe is soon on fire.
War or peace – Of the Iranian goddess to peace-making masculinity
archetype – Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Buddha – has a healing spirit, one specific
function of the »Holy Spirit«; this may be potentially different from others and
yet It exists everywhere. Therefore the cultural-creative has its own vibrations
with cosmic intension; this intension is »the Spirit of Cultural Ethics«. Why
should women in love bring forth fruit from »His Essence«, if there were no
purpose for it? The purpose is understood as »humaneness«. The 'Great Mother' is
the head, and there are many limbs attached to this head; they all serve to
adorn the Universal Temple »Notre Dame«. Each one of them, according to
intellectual and spiritual degree, has the service entrusted to him and to her.
Die Große
Zähmungskraft der Göttlichen Mutter Die
Kraft der Stratosphäre der himmlischen Natur der Großen Mutter ist mächtig.
Diese Strömung erweckt vereint mit allgemeiner spiritueller Weiblichkeit – die
Liebe, Harmonie und Schönheit der Göttlichen Mutter – die humane Seelensphäre der
ethischen Männlichkeit. 'Edle Männer' sollten sich daher so oft wie möglich
darin aufhalten, denn der Zustand spiritueller 'Machas' vermag die
egozentrischen Machonaturen der Männer, mit ihren starken Instinkten
spirituellen Dominierens, zur Vernunft zu bringen. Regelmäßige, monatlich
wiederkehrende Erfahrung räumt dem seelischen Gewissen der Männer
Vormachtstellung ein. Ist Seelengewissheit der Männer einmal geboren, kann sich
das Bewusstsein individueller Weiblichkeit zum Bewusstsein einer globalen Ethik
entfalten. „Die ganze Welt liegt in der Macht dessen, der böse ist“ (1 Johannes
5:19). Man muss also das Bewusstsein der entlaufen wollenden männlichen
Freiheits-Neurosen ein wenig "einsperren". 'Wirkliche Bescheidenheit zeigt sich
darin, dass Frauen kraftvoll darangehen, Ordnung zu schaffen, und dabei beim
eignen Ich und dem engsten Kreise anfangen mit der Züchtigung' (I GING 15 Kiën,
Die Bescheidenheit).
Heilung durch den Pfingstgeist Männer, die das allumfassende kosmische Bewusstsein ihrer Seele erlangt haben, sollten sich nicht mehr nur damit zufrieden geben, ihre eigenen physischen und mentalen Impulse spirituell umzuwandeln. Sie haben vielmehr die Pflicht (= dharma), die erdgebundenen Impulse all jener Frauen zu vergeistigen, welche vielleicht noch unter frommer Hysterie leiden, aber in den Kulturell-Kreativen 'die Drei Könige ihres Herrn' sehen. 'Könige', weil diese Edlen, nachdem sie ihre eigenen Körper, Herzen, Seelen befreit haben {sich selbst als »den Einen Geist, der die lebendige Liebesflamme ist, die in Körpern, Herzen, Seelen pulsiert« wahrnehmend}, alle Engel, die als Heilerinnen der Erde zum Organismus ihres eigenen Selbst gehören, spirituell befreien können. Dann kann auf vielfältige Art und Weise der Gottesliebe, das Planetarische Bewusstsein geboren werden und sich 'die heilende Befreiung aus der Enge unserer persönlichen Auffassung' verbreiten.
We are
witnessing a battle in the universe. Eruptions, exploding sheaves of fire shoot
up from the conflicts of the opposing forces; mighty volcanoes awaken, the fires
seek an exit. Men know it: but they do not give up a single habit, nor do they
foresee a terrible war.
Manche Frauen bilden sich ein, dass katholischer Glaube sie
retten wird. Nein, das wäre zu einfach: jede Frau kann glauben und dennoch leben
Männer als Übeltäter weiter! Iblis sagt, dass er an Gott glaubt; aber es ist
nicht dieser Glaube, der Europa retten wird. Der Glaube an die Immaculata kann
tatsächlich nur wirksam sein, wenn er von Handlungen begleitet wird, die mit dem
konform sind, was Männer als Erstes glauben.
Glaube, der sich nicht in entsprechender Haltung, in entsprechenden Gesten
ausdrückt, um im entschiedenen Bemühen darum im Dialog seine Sprache zu finden,
ist nutzlos.
Ein Ideal ist unbeschreiblich (den Gläubigen als Dogma verkündet)
women do not think of harvesting when ploughing and of using the field when
Mothers have an interest in their sons passing on their genes in a variety of
ways: i.e. impregnate as many women as possible – this then becomes the morality
of the national bosses. Freeing oneself from this ancestral obsession, it is a
matter of 'putting one’s hand to the plough' (Luke 9:62), purifying oneself
physically and mentally. However, only those women who, in their character
development, learning the emotion of the mirror of their selflessness, do not
think of sexually serving the soulless intrigues of men, but rather to receive
cultural soul-spirit, can successfully undertake the dialogue to the New Ethics
on Planet Earth: accomplishing the Planetary Consciousness of Humanity. Such
wisdom, as the evolution of life, one cannot explain – only love. Men who in
modern times avoid soulful devotional service to women in their lives, for fear
of ego pain, have lost more than those enlightened women who, by losing
themselves, are gaining everything. Men vegetate in pre-existence if they
operate only with body, psychological thinking and feeling and One Spiritual
Will, but not giving soul-time and working with a devoted heart for the
Planetary Consciousness of women; such men first lose everything, until in the
end their self, the devotional heart, is also torn from their hands. The healing
power of the Cultural Creative: Rama, through the attraction of his soulful
atmosphere; Shiva, through the penetrating effect of his spiritual blessings;
Buddha, through the call of his illuminating teaching; Krishna, through the
manifested fire of his poetic spirit – all pouring forth from the merciful
Von Nonnen und dem Sexus Kālīs versus Die Hingabe der
erleuchteten weiblichen Seele
Why do
we hold dialogue? or in other words, why are the relational laws of love
unfathomable without dialogue? There are several reasons for this. First of all
The Dialogue makes it clear to women that there is something to learn at
the level of their own souls – by 'learning by teaching' before there is any
thought about "relationship". || Secondly the word dialogue means 'a
speech conducted orally or in writing', what is meant here is the conversation
between married couples – the opposite would be 'the monologue', i.e. a woman’s
conversation with herself or another woman. Dialogue thus implies 'the
conversation between man and woman', and in this there is a deep connection
between the souls and the Holy Scriptures. || The most important and
understandable soul basis for dialogue, however, is the law of mercy in
the written word. 'Without writing, one cannot think; at least not in a
ambitious, communicable way. Through writing, communication becomes preservable,
independent of the participants' living memory in interaction'. (Niklas Luhmann,
Social Systems, 1987). Without men expressing their conscience in writing, no
communication is possible.
Communication expressed in the
of music«
beings have different natures and therefore different ways of behaving and yet
humanity is an indivisible dynamic whole that is more like the musical laws of a
symphony than "mass and energy". Soul-natures are dynamic, relational,
interrelated organisms – a web of interrelationships in which no part can stand
on its own: 'each part derives its meaning and its existence solely from its
place in the whole' (Werner Heisenberg, The Part and the Whole). If we are to
make changes in 'religion and sexuality' of humanity by eliminating
disease-producing, war-producing conditions, we first need to understand what
needs these conditions are actually responding to, by seeing the
interrelationship of causes and effects: it is out of this understanding that
changes need to be made; to do this, women of 'divine light' need to illuminate
their 'collective darknesses' – otherwise men will have to act according to the
wishes of their wives again.
If we
seek to form a picture of the primal disturbances to which wars and epidemics
may be traced back to, there arise two groups which may be called the earliest
disturbances of a psychic nature: fear towards the Buddha-nature of the
feminine, and hatred of the Christ-nature of the masculine (according to Felix
Schottlaender, The Mother as Destiny, 1946). In other words, men's striving for
fame, position and luxury, which enables women to achieve their desired artistic
individuality, is counterproductive to the service of the Cultural-Creatives for
the healing of humanity.
Mary with Elisabeth
The intention to become spiritually active as a human being cannot be realised
without the idea of Dharma-activity itself, which releases that spiritual love
that enables us to fulfil the purpose of our life – but this is nothing other
than the form of the 'creative perfect personality' itself to be brought forth.
If the synthesis of higher and inner intelligences is lacking, intellectual
knowledge and beauty consciousness push the young-virgin-woman into an emotional
blockage towards the melancholic attitude of a psychological complex. To be sure
in true piety the woman is 'seized by the most ardent devotion and the most
blissful rapture' (see Bernini,
L'Estasi di Santa Teresa), but devotional faith alone is not enough,
Dharma practice is essential. The awakening of the human spirit requires
discipleship, a discipline in spiritual guidance, for the unfolding of the
spirit is purely personal nature and completely differentiated according to the
archetypes. We project onto »God« ideals of our perfection, »the word in the
imagination« awakens itself in the mirror of the all-possibility of our souls.
Therefore also the psychic state of another person is reflected in our souls.
The virgin must 'seek home' (Luke 1:39), take refuge, become in the way She is
perfection: 'She who beholds all things beholds me, that He may receive me
into His being'. Simply evoking soul-ideals by imagination, hoping to become
'He' – that is not enough; Young-Virgin-Woman Mignon must see herself in
the other self. Spiritual progress is to seek resonance with the feel of
'Notre-Dame'. Her gaze is the High Love that woman could be if woman would be
what woman could be: the cosmos in the process of becoming as Herself.
Healing versus the business of adultery and the female urge for
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, fog, climatic changes, land silting,
spreading epidemics, destitution, wars, riots, revolts, unbelief, betrayal –
men's ears are deaf; and how dull are women's views! The female soul is a
mirror: for seeing the situation, hearing the cry of humanity and peace-making
statements in dialogue, women are dependent on the 'gracious gaze of Rama' and
'Shiva's teaching sermon' and 'a compassionate writing tube' (2 Enoch 22/
Slavic) of gracious masculinity. In the absence of dharma (duty! of men),
neither church piety, nor worldly intellect, nor motherly caritas can see and
understand anything. If the Cultural-Creatives give their light to the 'light of
women', and if they are the 'crown witnesses of heaven', who will then listen,
comprehend, speak, so God's sense, the Planetary Consciousness, is bestowed to
femininity; this art is possible for men who have become Buddha. Then
consideration becomes the feminine heart, planet earth becomes healthy (Plato,
Charmides 157.2).
To sleep, to sleep – Perhaps to dream
(Shakespeare, Hamlet)
It is the delta- and theta-waves that break men's nationalistic ego-will and
make women's pathologically split-off group-self accessible again.
Psychoanalysis is the alpha for men which must be followed by the achievement of
the creative holy spirit; for if it is their secret pride that behind the
'mathematics of battles' they sense the magnificent dream into which their lives
are plunged, when the shadow of the personality of their wife's personality
threatens to suffocate them. And so men who are threatened with extinction throw
themselves into the dream of a tourist paradise, because only the downfall of 'a
life that does not live' seems to promise the transition into a different order,
and so distant worlds flare up to the delight of the eyes in the beauty of the
downfall. (after Norbert Bolz, in: The Extinct Soul, Kamper and Wulf, eds.). But
the dream image, which has become the condition for the possibility of
experience, becomes the reality of our death: Sent pernicious plague through
the army; the nations sank (Homer: Iliad, First Canto 10). Is not a
different engagement in the concreteness of this world of ours necessary in
order to make the idea of the beautiful recognisable?
'One ran and dipped a sponge in vinegar, put it on a stick, and gave Jesus to
drink. As he did so, he said: Let us see if Elijah will come and take him down.
– But he cried out loudly. Then he breathed out the spirit. Then the curtain
of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
Die Erde bebte, und die
Felsen spalteten sich.' (Mark 15:36-38).
If a man has studied and his wife shows a gift for the arts,
everyone is delighted. All cherish them, invite them and embrace them.
Personality is everything that fathers and sons look at, and therefore that what
mother and daughter try to develop. And that is why the earth is now populated
by talented, capable people – and that's great! and ever increasing. But why
can't all the creative abilities and great mental talents, even 'in spiritual
perfection' save the world? Rather, things are getting worse! We simply accept
the horror of war, of the passing away by depressions (Chronicles 10.13-14),
diseases and epidemics: "The main thing is that we have dionysian indulgence,
that's what counts!" But if in men mental disorder and a lack of compassion
ferment into pitiless ugliness... what is going on in the world in military
Interreligiöser Dialog und Transkulturelle Synthese
Die zu den marianischen Rittern gehörenden Männer (Kampf gegen
Iran-Regime und Russische Kirche) sitzen im Kreis und dialogisieren die
Botschaft Gottes: das Ideal 'unbefleckte Empfängnis' der Großen Mutter, und die
Klage der Großen Göttin über 'befleckte Zeugung'. Wenn Santa Maria Magdalena
dann in transkultureller Synthese die Apostel Christi lehrt, was der Herr ihr
aufgetragen hat, und wir Christi Mit-Freude, Christi Mit-Leiden und Christi
Mit-Erbarmen haben, werden wir Planet Erde nicht plündern, wie wir es jetzt tun,
und wir werden keine Kriege führen.
are different. And yet, on the basis of the global ethics of the One Message
of the religions of the world, they have to develop their ideas, revelations,
intuitions of happiness in a way that is sustainably good for women and
children. In this context, women must honestly ask themselves: how much mutual
respect they convey through their willingness to be open to the Cultural
Creatives, the views and experiences of the Holy Spirit. In the very first
place, therefore, it is necessary, through patronage to protect »The School of
Dialogue« from those men who still disregard the dialogue, as well as against
women who secretly despise dialogue. 'All common relationships in life are
remembered by women, they see what they think through their eyes, by a single
silent movement they arouse among themselves as much laughter or weeping or
devotion as men can only produce through long expositions, expectorations and
declamations. However, women live essentially lonely when they lack Creative
Culture, the soul time of men. Then the misunderstandings become so many, and
even in wide houses, living together becomes so difficult, everywhere
constricted, everywhere strange, everywhere in a foreign land.' (after Heinrich
Heine, Reisebilder)
all, it is wrong to assert that the ideal of the infinite perfection of the
feminine cannot be a guiding principle in the lives of men, that one must
declare 'the divine feminine' as useless and to refrain from its application, by
shrugging one's shoulders and declaring: 'Since I do not aspire to holiness, I
cannot use the divine feminine after all'. – To act in this way would be to
imitate the sailor who says: 'Since I cannot follow the compass mark I will fix
the compass pointer at the point which, in the given moment, corresponds to the
course of my ship that is, I will depress the ideal of 'spiritual femininity' to
the level of my weakness.' – So it is not true that men fail to be guided by the
ideal of Christ, because it is so high, so perfect and unattainable. A man is
only unable to be guided by it because he deludes and deceives himself. (after
Leo Tolstoy, Epilogue to the Sonata of the Cross).
The palace of mirrors
Devotional spirituality bears the woman's mind to the 'cloud above her Inner
Sanctum', to the layer of mirrors which people call "heaven"; the realms set up
for the sun, the moon and the stars are seen through it, so that people see
themselves in a different form, so to speak, as in the mirror. The attitude of
devout men, in their Marian longing, is for usefulness and fruitfulness; for as
soon as they set about their work of 'healing the world', it touches the green
power of their soul, so that it bears manifold fruit of holiness and lifts
people's aspirations up to that which is heavenly as it is strengthened by Him
in its ascending longing. These men, who in God's longing for the fruit of their
spiritual works despise national-socialist concerns, bound to 'the feminine in a
godly way', they are completely transformed: true human being. (according to
Hildegard von Bingen, Divinorum Operum, The Fourth Vision of the Structure of
the Body, 'Of the Tender Layer of Air'; Genesis 12:1).
Reue und Buße der Männer sind der Friedensstabilisator in Europa
und in der Welt
danger that comes from Islamisms: pious devotion inflames eros, the search for
the opposite sex; religious affiliation leads to the acquisition of marriage
permission, and associated with this, the political decision for polygamy;
together with the lustful desire in the sexes, the attachment, the enthusiasm,
the possessive thinking is growing; this gives rise to cunning, a 'watchfulness
over pleasure'. From this arises 'the the seizing of stick and sword,
quarrelling and strife, abuse and falsehood' (Mahanidana Sutta), the 'laissez
faire (tantra) - laissez aller (tao)' of liberated spirituality is being
transformed, in the Sunnite-Shiite-conflict before our eyes, into the aggressor
of endless dirty wars: the clansmen argue among themselves (Bhagavadgita I.26)
as to who may interpret Mohammed's imposing work, and the delusion is put on the
basis that the physio-psychological Nature-Laws of 'Father and Son' are the
explanation of a Cultural Humanity – but "The non-deceived are in error" (Erik
Porge, Jaques Lacan: Les noms du père – Les non-dupes errent).
Hagar and Sarah
There must exist two separate genes, one for uncovering psycho-physical
strategies of hysterical affections and aversions; and one for throwing out
neurotic relationship patterns. Since we already have the gene for ejection, we
now need the profoundly religious and psychoanalytical help of spiritual men and
women so that we will apply this gene properly. (according to Dawkins, The
Selfish Gene). Some peoples say: "Divorces are the result of extra-marital
relationships. Polygamy can solve the social problems of our time; it is
supposed to be an alternative to divorce, which destroys families and neglects
children!" (Philip Kilbride). What does not grow together into heaven, separates
from each other (St. Plotinus), "Islam" is not the alternative to divorce,
"remaining Yiddish" disregards Buddhism & Vedanta. Even if a women's community
were entirely 'Yiddish-Catholic and Buddha' – the potential harm of polygamy
justifies "restriction of religious freedom".
Quantum Physical Analogy One
must call polygamy the peak of pagan depravity and sin 'it is violence, coldness
and ruthlessness in the intercourse of the sexes, it denies directly the plan of
God' (John Paul II); on the other hand, it is 'the lawless, the degenerate and
mentally uncapable who is being reared and multiplied under a system of enforced
monogamy' (Hazrat Inayat Khan). The conflict between polygamy and monogamy
means: war between Sunnis and Shiites, between East and West. Considering the
religions that accept the existence of God as 'The Love', they all basically say
that we are to be lovers and that we must appeal to God, that it is in 'God's
hands' what happens – nevertheless, we have to behave in a respectable and
religious way. In the teachings of Buddha, there is the conviction that things
will not improve simply by "begging a god for it", but that we ourselves must
put the emphasis on our own endeavours, on our own work.
good angels with the Cultural Creatives who bring peace to mankind.
>> Index >> Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
español |
essence Alpha et Omega
Table of contents of each chapter
Musical Introduction
»significatio passiva«
Book of
Situation: Anamnesis und
Of the Inner Images
Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible
au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
with the wise serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred
New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural
Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
and Songs
Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge