Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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E.  Heartsore and Resilience

1. 'She thought: I am enthroned as queen. I and no one else! I never sit there as a widow, I will experience no mourning, and childlessness I know not' (Revelation 18:9)1. A battered femininity triumphs in the death of soldiers. From the corpse of the slain mother, the vengeance of Erinys rises inexorably (Ludwig Klages).

1Come down, daughter of Babylon, virgin, sit in the dust! Sit on the ground; there is no longer a throne (for you), daughter of Chaldea. Now you are no longer called the fair one, the delicate one. Take the mill and grind the flour! Away with the veil! Lift up your train, bare your legs and wade through the water! Your shame will be exposed, your disgrace will be seen. Relentlessly I take vengeance, says our Saviour; "Lord of Hosts" is his name and "The Holy One of Israel". Sit down and be silent! Go out into the darkness, daughter of Chaldea! For now no one calls you "Lady of the Kingdoms". I was angry with my people, I desecrated my inheritance and gave it into your power. But you showed them no mercy, you imposed too heavy a yoke on the old men. You thought: I will remain the mistress forever and ever. You didn't take all this to heart, you never thought of the end. But now listen, you luscious woman who lives in safety and thinks in your heart: I and no one else! But a calamity will come upon you that you cannot conjure away. A destruction will come upon you that you will not be able to banish. And suddenly your destruction will come, which you never thought of. (Isaiah 47:1-11)

Her impurity clings to her train, she did not consider her end. She has sunk horribly,
She has no one to comfort her. Behold my misery, O Lord, for the enemies boast.
(Lamentations 1:9)

2. To grasp the significance differently

Our responsibility as human beings is to bring healing to the earth. 'Neurotics are dedicated to their task, but at the same time they are in doubt about the value of the task and therefore in constant expectation of recognition: perhaps slowly on the way to gratitude for not having experienced criticism, but far from ready to accept criticism' (Dag Hammarskjöld), but they know pretty well what they are not interested in. The reason is that applied transculturality or psychosynthesis {criticism & psyche-analysis} can even inhibit emotional feelings and sensations here. 'Tavistock-working-conference' (the interreligious dialogue) offers stressed people the possibility of healing. Provided that divine femininity leads through silence.

Verwandlung von Kali in Sita or What we can learn from myths and fairy tales
Der Dämonenkönig (unsere linke Gehirnhemisphäre) hat Die Königin Sita (des Mannes Seele, sein kulturelles Selbst) entführt. Wenn ihn nun seine Physis (Hanuman, der Affengott) durch Arbeit »Anbetung der Unbefleckten Empfängnis« wieder zu seiner Seele führt, kann König Rama (der göttliche Wille im Mann) 'die Dornenhecke' kriegerische Religion durchbrechen und seine Frau, mit einem Kuss, zu Planetarischem Bewusstsein erwecken

The dignity of humanity  Through anima-desire (imperious, soulless intimacy) the cosmopolitan men's feeling is weakened, completely exhausted, that they are scarcely able to summon themselves up to spiritual cultural service; more and more women are therefore, due to the lack of creative spirit on the part of their husbands, seriously afflicted by physical suffering or psychological depressions. But once we have realised that the mystery of men's transformation into the archetypal activity of the soul is the central problem of humanity, then the urgent and compelling need for transcultural discourse is also understood. The pleading gaze of the cultural genius calls out to his brothers: "My God, rise up! free the earth! Strive with transcultural discourse for the dignity that unites and defines humanity."

»Dialogue in transculturality« redeems humanity from the lack of prospects of having to resolve relationship conflicts through genocide; it creates the peace-building birth of a world culture through understanding and interaction, interweaving and mingling towards being with one another instead of against one another.

Christ Child's birthday
 The »Great Mother« {Mrs. Holle} is concerned about 'the succession of Christ' and asks »friend stork« {cultural genius} to bring her the most beautiful, best and most pious child, because she wished for a little daughter. In Mrs. Hulda immaculate conception, the stork brings »the Green Tara« {apostolorum apostula}, who, guided by »Planet Venus« {Great Goddess}, he finds on his missionary flight to the pious hearted East. (according to Luise Büchner, Christmas Tales). The Great Mother is God's living nature and intelligent! Towards her, men with reason must show repentance in order to heal Planet Earth with the spirit of »transcultural holiness«.

About the culture of the Third Millennium, celebrating the Nativity on earth
In the Old World, men were still standing above women, as it says 'because Allah favoured the one before the others and because they spend of their wealth on women' (Qur'an, Sura 4 Women 34). In the New World, the aim is to bring healing to Planet Earth. And thus the divine femininity places its husband at the right hand so that the Holy Spirit loves to give birth to the Planetary Consciousness as 'the Christ Child'.

What spirit do men need in the third millennium? And which sufferings are endangering women?
"There are people who only need to touch a glass of water to deprive the water in it of all strength and freshness" (Viktor Schauberger). This example serves only for a better understanding of what follows: the soullessly extroverted 'good man' is threatened with marital problems and loss of character if he does not perfect himself in the transcultural community to his soul destiny as 'divine mercy'; worldly-extraverted or pious-introverted women face problems of adjustment and loss of reality, illness, self-alienation or hysteria.

Thoughts and feelings of the sexes seem to contradict rather than co-operate with regard to Universal Ethics. Religion and spirituality may be pinnacles of cosmic organisation: yet they do not cause men and women to have truly ordered psychic motivations for the healing of humanity. Chaos, disease, civil war are the worldwide consequences of non-religious male desire {or non-desire} not being matched by spiritual female order. But 'splendour of happiness' flourishes where cultural creative spirit liberates femininity from deficient feeling.

For a man to go on a spiritual retreat or a sporting hike while women and children all over the world are suffering is a behaviour like sewing up a wound that is still infected. Where the connection between Protestantism and war is constantly subconsciously repressed and suppressed, there is a danger that anger and resentment will build up in women's hearts: their "religion" will become psychotic and block the foundations of happiness and peace for an entire mankind.

Men, intoxicated by the power of fame and sunk into a most materialistic mentality, are extremely cunning and difficult to direct (see Loki, Norse mythology). The fact that women, blind to this, now endeavour to overcome inertia and conformism solely with their creativity is not enough. Men who, in the spirit of Pentecost and with enlightened hearts, who bring about Planetary Consciousness in women and also know how to promote it - this will lead to building a New World. Psychosynthesis must grasp cosmic intuition and know how to distinguish it from conventional instinct: Then New Ethics can be founded.

3. Of the outcry of the earth after the awakening of the human spirit

The fate of the soulless  "Gilgamesh!" Utnapitschim says to him, "unhappy is thy heart, how spent are thy features!" (Gilgamesh, plate X). 'In vain do I pursue the god who eludes us, In vain do I follow the goddess who abstains; Irresistibly the night spreads its empire, black, humid, cold its shudder has touched me, a sepulchral breath blows through the languid darknesses; Mouldy breezes rise in the land. While my shy foot steps on snails at the edge of the swamp, scaring away frightened toads.' (Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal).

Rama – as the embodiment of Vishnu (the holy spirit whose lotus feet are worshipped by Shiva and Brahma) – killed the monkey king Vāli [the demon 'deceptive eros', (ethymological: sulphur)]. Then he learnt the abode of his queen Sītā. When he reached the shore of the ocean, the sea retreated before Rama's fury. The water spirits passed away in fear, until the ocean appeared in personal form and said to Rama, 'We the simple-minded did not know that you are the unchanging overlord of Prakriti, the changeable material energies. The pious feed on your sattva quality, the clear and calm serenity of your mind, the silence [not causing inconvenience to others with your speech, being tolerant, kind, benevolent, studying the scriptures]; the warrior nations stem from your passion; the underworld takes example from your indifference and indolence. But now, with determination, you have become master of an attachment to such vain inclinations. Win back your mate now, o hero, and build a bridge here for your glory, so that future kings will sing your praises." Bhagavata Purana 9.10-15

Merseburger Zaubersprüche1  Einstmals {saßen die Idisi} setzten sich die Weisen Frauen hierhin und dorthin. Einige {hefteten Haft} legten einem Gefangenen die Fesseln an {„sie ergriffen ihn und nahmen ihn fest“ (Markus 14:46)1 Pauli-Verbot}; einige hielten Heere auf {Pauli-Prinzip}; einige zertrennten ringsherum die scharfen Fesseln: Entspring den Haftbanden, entkomme den Feinden! {Ethik2} // Phol und Wotan begaben sich ins Holz. Da ward dem Fohlen Balders der Fuß verrenkt {siehe Radha zu Krishna}. Da besangen ihn Sinthgunt und Sunna, ihre Schwester; da besangen ihn Frigg und Volla, ihre Schwester; da gab Wotan {Mercurius} den Gesang, wie nur er es wohl konnte: Bein zu Bein!2 [jenen 'die in Gelüsten und Befriedigungen der Astralebene eingetaucht'3 "pflügen" und reden: „Lasst uns die Liebe essen und trinken, denn morgen sind wir tot“4]; Blut zu Blut!2 [jenen, die "säen", in den Regionen der Mentalebene 'heiraten und geheiratet werden'5, und die Liebe atmen mit Hilfe der Philosophie, der Wissenschaft und der Künste – gleichzeitig Krieg führen]; Glied zu Gliedern!2 [jenen, die in der Liebe leben „in Gerechtigkeit, Friede und Freude im Heiligen Geist“6, so »wie die Engel im Himmel«, sie "ernten" und 'sterben nicht'7, „jedes ihrer Glieder ist Gnade“8]. [1Atharvaveda II.9, IV.12; 2Qur'an 24,26].

1Gleich in der Frühe fassten die Hohenpriester, die Ältesten und die Schriftgelehrten,
also der ganze Hohe Rat, über Jesus einen Beschluss:
Sie ließen ihn fesseln und abführen und lieferten ihn Pilatus aus.
(Markus 15:1)

Die Juden entgegneten ihm: Wir haben ein Gesetz, und nach diesem Gesetz muss er sterben,
weil er sich als Sohn Gottes ausgegeben hat.
(Johannes 19:7)

2Die Hoffnung der Glaubenden
Gerecht gemacht aus Glauben, haben wir Frieden mit Gott durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn. Durch ihn haben wir auch den Zugang zu der Gnade erhalten, in der wir stehen, und rühmen uns unserer Hoffnung auf die Herrlichkeit Gottes. Mehr noch, wir rühmen uns ebenso unserer Bedrängnis; denn wir wissen: Bedrängnis bewirkt Geduld, Geduld aber Bewährung, Bewährung Hoffnung. Die Hoffnung aber lässt nicht zugrunde gehen; denn die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unsere Herzen durch den Heiligen Geist, der uns gegeben ist.

Christus ist schon zu der Zeit, da wir noch schwach und gottlos waren, für uns gestorben. Dabei wird nur schwerlich jemand für einen Gerechten sterben; vielleicht wird er jedoch für einen guten Menschen sein Leben wagen. Gott aber hat seine Liebe zu uns darin erwiesen, dass Christus für uns gestorben ist, als wir noch Sünder waren. Nachdem wir jetzt durch sein Blut gerecht gemacht sind, werden wir durch ihn erst recht vor dem Gericht Gottes gerettet werden. Da wir mit Gott versöhnt wurden durch den Tod seines Sohnes, als wir noch (Gottes) Feinde waren, werden wir erst recht, nachdem wir versöhnt sind, gerettet werden durch sein Leben. Mehr noch, wir rühmen uns Gottes durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn, durch den wir jetzt schon die Versöhnung empfangen haben.

Der alte und der neue Mensch
Durch einen einzigen Menschen kam die Sünde in die Welt und durch die Sünde der Tod, und auf diese Weise gelangte der Tod zu allen Menschen, weil alle sündigten. Sünde war schon vor dem Gesetz in der Welt, aber Sünde wird nicht angerechnet, wo es kein Gesetz gibt; dennoch herrschte der Tod von Adam bis Mose auch über die, welche nicht wie Adam durch Übertreten eines Gebots gesündigt hatten; Adam aber ist die Gestalt, die auf den Kommenden hinweist. Doch anders als mit der Übertretung verhält es sich mit der Gnade; sind durch die Übertretung des einen die vielen dem Tod anheimgefallen, so ist erst recht die Gnade Gottes und die Gabe, die durch die Gnadentat des einen Menschen Jesus Christus bewirkt worden ist, den vielen reichlich zuteil geworden. Anders als mit dem, was durch den einen Sünder verursacht wurde, verhält es sich mit dieser Gabe: Das Gericht führt wegen der Übertretung des einen zur Verurteilung, die Gnade führt aus vielen Übertretungen zur Gerechtsprechung. Ist durch die Übertretung des einen der Tod zur Herrschaft gekommen, durch diesen einen, so werden erst recht alle, denen die Gnade und die Gabe der Gerechtigkeit reichlich zuteil wurde, leben und herrschen durch den einen, Jesus Christus.

Wie es also durch die Übertretung eines einzigen für alle Menschen zur Verurteilung kam, so wird es auch durch die gerechte Tat eines einzigen für alle Menschen zur Gerechtsprechung kommen, die Leben gibt. Wie durch den Ungehorsam des einen Menschen die vielen zu Sündern wurden, so werden auch durch den Gehorsam des einen die vielen zu Gerechten gemacht werden. Das Gesetz aber ist hinzugekommen, damit die Übertretung mächtiger werde; wo jedoch die Sünde mächtig wurde, da ist die Gnade übergroß geworden. Denn wie die Sünde herrschte und zum Tod führte, so soll auch die Gnade herrschen und durch Gerechtigkeit zu ewigem Leben führen, durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn. (Römer 5:1-21)

3Und das Volk setzte sich nieder zum Essen und Trinken,
und sie standen auf, um sich zu belustigen.
(Exodus 32,6)

4Doch was sieht man: Freude und Frohsinn, Rindertöten und Schafeschlachten, Fleischessen und Weintrinken,
(und ihr sagt:) Lasst uns essen und trinken, denn morgen sind wir tot.
(Jesaja 22,13)

5Die Menschen aßen und tranken und heirateten bis zu dem Tag,
an dem Noach in die Arche ging; dann kam die Flut und vernichtete alle.
(Lukas 17:27)

6Denn das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken,
es ist Gerechtigkeit, Friede und Freude im Heiligen Geist.
(Römer 14:17)

7Sie können auch nicht mehr sterben, weil sie den Engeln gleich
und durch die Auferstehung zu Söhnen Gottes geworden sind.
(Lukas 20:36)

Wenn nämlich die Menschen von den Toten auferstehen, werden sie nicht mehr heiraten,
sondern sie werden sein wie die Engel im Himmel.
(Markus 12:25)

Und er sagte zu seinen Jüngern: Die Ernte ist groß, aber es gibt nur wenig Arbeiter. (Matthäus 9:37)

8Die Welt ist der Ort des Unglaubens und der Ort des Todes.
Warum liebst du die Glieder, die tot sind, anstatt die, die leben?
Gott aber begreift durch seine Glieder.
(NHC XI.1)

Lob sei Gott, dem Schöpfer der Himmel und der Erde,
der die Engel zu Boten gemacht hat mit Flügeln, je zwei, drei und vier!
Er fügt der Schöpfung hinzu, was Er will. Gott hat Macht zu allen Dingen.
(Qur'an 35,1)

Heal this man from the demon that has seized his limbs,
and lead him up, O wood, to the world of the living!
(Atharvaveda II.9)

Healing you work, healing herb, heal the broken bones; let this heal, creeping plant! That which is torn, that which is bent in the bones of thy body, Dhātar will happily set it and join it together limb by limb. Let the marrow grow together with the marrow, and let the joint join the joint, let your decayed flesh grow together and the bones too. Let the marrow be joined to the marrow, let the skin grow together with the skin, let your blood unite with your leg, let the flesh heal with the flesh. Join the hair to the hair, the skin to the skin. Your blood, your bone unite. Unite, plant! what was torn apart. Arise and walk, run swiftly, do as the swiftest chariot does. Stand upright! What fell into the pit and is broken there, and what is shattered by a thrown stone, join it together limb by limb, as cartwright does with the chariot. (Atharvaveda IV.12)

2Bad women are for bad men,
and bad men are for bad women,
and good women are for good men,
and good men are for good women.
(Qur'an 24,26)

Selig sind, die unbefleckten Herzens sind, denn sie werden Gott schauen (Matthäus 5:8)
Man geht durch verschiedene Stadien in seinem Leben. Im gewöhnlichen Zustand haften Menschen an bestimmten Prinzipien; evolvieren sie spirituell, ändern diese sich und sie schaffen »Werke des Friedens«. Düstere Manifestationen femininer Selbstherrlichkeit, wie „Gebein zu Gebein“ und „Blut zu Blut“, sind Ausdruck unerleuchteten männlichen Bewusstseins. Lichtvolle Manifestationen glanzvollen weiblichen Überbewusstseins kreieren »den Spiegel«, den transkulturellen männlichen Geist. Die Göttliche Mutter führt allumfassend im Interreligiösen Dialog-Raum die Menschheit zur humanistischen Einsicht. Setzt spirituelle Weisheit der Frauen sich über die Unordnung der Männer durch, fühlt sich die Menschheit erwacht, weil der Geliebte, anstatt zu suchen aus narzisstischem Ich heraus zu "ver"-kennen, das Gegenteil erfährt: er wird von Gott erkannt. Dies schenkt der Welt die Gewissenskultur der Synthese. Eine Engelschar singt »Ode an die Freude« kosmischer Ordnung: O Prophet der Großen Mutter, O Gesandter der Großen Göttin, O Geliebter Maria Magdalenas, Friede sei mit Dir, die Gebete Gottes seien mit Dir.

cultural conscience

'There is enough milk, grain and metals' Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.4.11 "Everything is satisfactory in material terms!" So among men there is "no question of leaving a flourishing kingdom", in order to change their lives to the cultural-creative. In reality, women feel in the midst of their lives: "The grain is poisoned." "You women who are so complacent, you daughters who feel secure, the grape harvest will fail, and the harvest of fruit will not come!" Isaiah 32:10.

The serpent  The old serpent rejoices in all punishments inflicted on people's souls or bodies because he himself has lost his heavenly glory and the man has also failed to attain the holy spirit. And when the old serpent sensed that the man had agreed to her advice, she instilled in him – with stubborn courage, cunning as she is – the urge to have an affair. Anxious to fight against God, she said: "Now I will fulfil all my will in men." Then, in her hatred, she sends among men the despicable agreement to kill each other: "I will let men die and will bring them to ruin even more than I am forlorn." Woe to us! What a wretched struggle is dragging us into its whirl, from hardship to hardship, from pain to pain. according to Hildegard von Bingen.

"One would doubt whether even the wisest has learnt anything of ethical value through his experience. In fact, the old have no substantial advice to give to the young, for their own experience is too ego-bound, their soul-life a miserable failure." (Henry Thoreau, Walden). The only thing that can change this is 'the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary': our love for »Notre Dame«.

5. Transcultural Synthesis – The Art of the New Age  

Whenever dharma declines and injustice increases on earth, you will be born in order to erect the virtue and the virtuous and to weaken malevolence. Thus Thou renewest life on earth, O mysterious Holy Spirit. (Ramana Maharshi, collected works)

Healing of the water and the earth  This requires an enlightened soul character. Those souls will be supported who, through synthesis, will bring harmony to the universal community and through interreligious dialog will make peace in the world. This art of a New Humanism, which humanity now so urgently needs, must be possible through international patronage. As Homer says: „The heralds [archetypes] kept the mob at bay. And on hewn rocks in a sacred circle sat the venerable ancients, waving the sceptre of their souls. One by one they stood up to impart their judgment, 'addressing the people who dwell within us'1 to pull them along in a divine direction. In the middle of the circle lay two talents of gold, destined for the one who would speak justice most justly before them.“ (Iliad 18.497-508)2. The Cultural Creatives in the circle of a universal community can and must succeed in bringing light into the minds, light into the personality, light into the consciousness of disturbed and frightened, doubting or mute natures by shining and glorifying in the natural state of their souls, by virtue of God's merciful innocence. Then it will be said: 'the community in the Holy Spirit'3 has brought about 'peace on earth', heaven. In truth, however, the rise of humanity takes place through the Great Mother and the „two talents“ 'spiritual freedom: Mary of Bethany' and 'Mary Magdalene: apostle of the apostles'.

1These people had paid no attention to any warning, but relied instead on their magical powers.
But when their first-born sons were killed, then they recognized that Israel was God's son.
(Book of Wisdom 18:13)

2From each of your tribes, choose some men who are wise, intelligent, and experienced,
and I’ll appoint them to be your leaders.
(Deuteronomy 1,13)

The Lord comes to be the judge of their responsible men and of their rulers:
it is you who have made waste the vine-garden, and in your houses is the property of the poor which you have taken by force.
(Isaiah 3,14)

3Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage. (Philippians 2:1-6)

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.
(Corinthians 13:13)

From the 'shield of Achilles' or What is the price of a human life?
The word »justice« contains all the secrets of cosmic balance. In his Iliad, Homer has two men argue about the price of blood for a man killed; one swears that he has repaid everything by speaking to the people, the other refuses to accept anything at all (or: denies that he has received anything)1 18.497-508. This is the war for the faith {'whom they crucified in the middle between two thieves'} between Catholics and Protestants ; two armies of peoples surround the culture of Europe, the brain of Pāris: Notre-Dame. "Come, let us enjoy the goods of life, savor creation as youth deserves. Let no meadow remain untouched by our exuberant revelry. Let us leave signs of merriment everywhere; that is our share, that falls to us. Let our strength shall determine what justice is, for what is weak proves useless. Let us oppress the human art, the righteous man who lives in poverty." Wisdom 2:6-11.

1The chief priests picked up the coins and said, 'It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.'
So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the field of blood to this day.
(Matthew 27:6-8)

6. Niklaus of Flüe (Brother Klaus) – patron saint of Interreligious Dialogue

Neurose ist das Leiden jener Seelen, die 'verraten, verkauft, gefangen'1 ihren Sinn nicht finden konnten. Wenn jetzt aber 'von spiritueller Huld der Frauen entflammt', kraft dieser Atmosphäre, die göttliche Ordnung, wie sie gegenwärtig besteht, zu mutieren beginnt, offenbaren sich jene unwandelbaren Gesetze, 'welche die Menschheit für immer vor dem dreifachen Übel der Krankheit, des Leidens und der Unwissenheit bewahren, was als Sanatana-dharma, »die ewige Religion« bezeichnet wird' (Paramahansa Yogananda). Sind Männer im transkulturellen Raum aufstrebender Bodhisattva-Seelen dergestalt schöpferisch, dass das Licht huldvoller Notre-Dame-Feminität erstrahlt und Sie im interreligiösen Dialog den herabkommenden heiligen Geist der Männer erwirkt – nähern wir uns dieser Realität, gelangen wir, von den komplementären seelischen Anziehungen von Männern und Frauen zur harmonischen Integration von Individuen, bis hin zur Integration in größeren Gruppen, zur Einheit der Menschheit. Nur wenn ich weiß, dass Schöpfergeist das Wesentliche meines Lebens ist, verlege ich mein Interesse nicht auf Futilitäten und Dinge, die nicht von entscheidender Bedeutung sind (C.G. Jung, Aniela Jaffé, Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken, Olten, Walter Verlag).

1In which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience – among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. (Ephesians 2:2-3)

Giving birth of the stars instead of a "mocked, scourged and killed Lord"
The Holy Qur'an teaches: "Christ Himself is not crucified and does not die, but I will receive him to Me in heaven because I love him." So when Christians celebrate that 'Jesus died and rose again', it is because "God brings those who have fallen asleep together with Him through Christ"1: it is the Bodhisattvas [the wind, the heavenly child], who "belong" to the 'good men'2, who in the sanctuary of the Great Goddess initiate peace talks. When then 'the command is given, the archangel calls, the trumpet of God sounds'3, it is the Cultural Creatives who come down 'with Pentecostal thunder' to give the promised rainbow of peace to the earth, whereby the »'God be with us' as the women« will descend to humanity. In other words: noble men {the cultural creatives} – after having 'ascended to heaven' – will return down to earth. When they come together with those women who 'after their death' have ascended to the heavenly spheres, the creative sphere of men {Maria's seed} and 'the birthing of the stars' (Maulana Rumi) brings forth »a new heaven and a new earth«; 'one will no longer think of the former, indeed it no longer comes to anyone's mind'4.

1If Jesus - and this is our faith - died and rose again, then God will, through Jesus
also lead those who have died to glory together with him.
(Thessalonians 4:14)

2Bad women belong to bad men, and bad men belong to bad women.
Good women belong to good men, and good men belong to good women. These are acquitted
from what is said about them. Surely for them is forgiveness and good sustenance.
(Surah 24:26)

3For the Lord himself will descend from heaven when the command is given,
the archangel calls and the trumpet of God sounds.
(Thessalonians 4:16)

4For I am already creating a new heaven and a new earth.
The former things will be remembered no more; they will not come to mind.
(Isaiah 65:17)

7. Transference and counter-transference 

Altered seeds – poisoned bread they give today  In the taking cycle of the Kali-age, not only men dominate over women; femininity shows itself emancipated: earth inhibits water, water extinguishes fire; in desire the virgin melts, self-determined realisation cuts wood; moreover, egocentric pesticides in the male consciousness have an inhibiting influence on the spiritual orientation of the feminine, the receptive1: communication, mental fitness, creative and fruitful activities are prevented. And so women begin to live isolated, separate with unhappy charm, mostly unaware of its expression the unconscious tries (unheard by everyone) to accuse through sickness – humanity's healthy nature, which lives in collectivity, in all creatures, begins to degenerate. »Pentecostal spirit heals His hearts« by transmission, in that men know how to avoid "pit mishaps" and preach against "chemical waste", 'healing of the earth' takes place. The narcissistic man (enenosam spumam: poison of the seed) seduces the woman with face-to-face compliments. Eros builds his bond, with prospects of "a common future", but unenlightened compassion – without 'love for the Lord': "not diminishing neurosis and not dissolving psychotic anxiety" (Alfred Adler; Roberto Assagioli) – makes use of empathy to move women from the plan of their soul into workaholic-neurosis. But no substitute drug can compensate for the loss of the 'immaculate heart' – more than that, the lack of a soulful heart goes hand in hand with the loss of the feeling of shame. Then it's no wonder that men become stubborn, sarcastic, indifferent when you suggest them to change.

1They eat the bread of iniquity and drink the wine of violence. (Proverbs 4:17)

"I will make him a helper like his counterpart, a counsellor like him" (Genesis 2:18). The Cultural Creatives first develop the quality of »love« {Agape, Shunya – emptiness: Bodhicitta, altruism, the non-existence of an independent self}. What first gives women insight into the nature of such 'good men' (Qur'an 24:26) is the healers' selfless soul-heartedness in the community. The female heart, inflamed by the »law of holiness«1, unfolds into wisdom. In the awakened loving SENSE (analytically: love of transmission), the heart and soul of every human being – regardless of origin, country, race, language or religion – become clear. "The goal is to manifest the basic, innate spirit of clear light, the most subtle level of consciousness, and to dwell within this level of spirit without falling back to the coarser levels. This purified state is not just of spiritual nature – it involves a body moulded by the subtle wind that is the support of clear light mind." (XIV Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso).

1Do not harbour hatred in your heart against your brother.
Rebuke your fellow tribesman, and you will not incur guilt because of him.
(Leviticus 19:17)

8. Learning wisdom

By Compassion of illuminated Souls through Women The Future Generations Come
A humanity at war calls for a new intercourse between the sexes. For this we must leave behind ordinary thinking by making our own souls see »with the light that sees«, this light not only reveals: it is creative! Wisdom1 is learned in the mercy of our souls – neither religious precepts and doctrines, philosophical know-how, ceremonies nor spiritual oneness, a study of mystical chants or allegiances to institutions of spiritual gurus or grey eminences can give us the life that is »the Planetary Consciousness in Humanity«. 'If one wants to escape the delusions of habit, education and mental deceptions to which one has fallen prey through habit, the foundations of perception, imagination, love, will and logical conceptualisation have to be attacked' (Vilayat Khan, Stufen einer Meditation, Weilheim, 1962).

1She is the breath of God's power and the pure outflow of the glory of the All-Ruler; therefore no shadow falls on her.
She is the reflection of the eternal light, the unclouded mirror of God's power, the image of his perfection.
She is only one and yet she can do everything; without changing herself, she renews everything. From generation to generation
she enters into holy souls and creates friends of God and prophets; for God loves only those who dwell with wisdom.
(Sapientia Salomonis 7:25-27)

Stairway of Woman and Archetype Young women teach in compassionate 'Charity of His Mercy, their Beloved Lord' in the 'Dormition of Mary' deliverance from suffering as Green Tara {symbol: the Holy Lance in the Imperial Treasury} until she finds her place 'for the glorification of His Name' as the Black Madonna {the Crown of Thorns of Notre-Dame} from which, from midlife, they float upwards to the state of Martha, as the Great Mother, Magna Mater of the whole country {the Holy Robe in Trier Cathedral}, and they succeed in approaching the commandments of the Lady: "Rule over your husband with the wisdom appropriate to your position; and supervise others to avoid mistakes, but have faith in them"
(I GING 19). Then the Pentecostal spirit of the Cultural Creatives puts those women 'who have overcome the world', i.e. who are inwardly already 'at their end with life', in a position to re-enter this very world but now approaching the whole of humanity: in this way the Wise Women are inexhaustible in their intention to teach, in enduring and protecting humanity without limits.


>> Index       >> God's Miracles







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter

Musical Introduction

»significatio passiva«

A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
D. Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions
H. Appeal to the Women

I. Global Warning
   Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
J. The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
L. Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
P. About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the wise serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
W. Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Y. Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge