Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  







F.  The Response of the Universe: 'God's Miracles' 

Sing to Him and play to Him. Meditate on all his wonders. (Psalm 105:2)
It all begins with the spiritual light of the truth of the Great Farmer, the initiator 'the disciple he loved'1, ruler of the eros of self-glorifying masculinity {direction: north}. His mother2 sends the messenger 'Hermes' {Mercury / Krishna}, ruler of the Near and Far East: the religion. 'Mary the Virgin', the Great Goddess, shepherdess of women's personality {Rau-nights} tames the 'Queen of the South' (submissive femininity). 'Green Tara' rules over 'the empty tomb'3. She is teacher of spiritual ministries; because 'men have to follow the other way which transcends all'4. Here is the beginning of analytical healing. The Dharma-giving souls as 'the Beloved' is the joy that knows how to distinguish humane femininity from 'dionysian communion'5 – till 'pentecostal fire' descends upon all. If there is no synthesis in the community, there is always the danger of remaining stuck in an unresolved fixation on 'the crucified and his saints'6. "Whoever wants to help himself and the sick earth the fastest, should exchange himself with Immaculate Heart and see the Cultural Creatives as himself" (Bodhicharyavatara 8.155-161).

1When Jesus saw his mother, and with her the disciple whom he loved,
he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" (John 19:26)

2The time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son.
Her neighbours and relatives heard what great mercy the Lord had shown her, a
nd rejoiced with her. (Luke 1:57-58)

3The angels said to her, Woman, why are you weeping? She answered them:
My master has been taken away, and I do not know where they have laid him. (John 20:13)

4If I spoke in the tongues of men and angels, but did not have love,
I would be a booming ore or a noisy kettledrum. (1 Corinthians 13:1)

5When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before the calf and proclaimed: Tomorrow is a feast to honour the Lord.
The following morning they rose early, presented burnt offerings and brought animals for the salvation offerings.
The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to enjoy themselves. (Exodus 32:5-6)

6They said, "We have killed Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God." -
But they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but a figure similar to him appeared to them. T
hose who disagree about him are in doubt about him. They have no knowledge of him except that they follow conjecture. (Qur'an 4:157)

"Is it true that we are really mute instead of speaking justice?"
(Psalm 58.1)
The brutal ruler in the world is the principle of utility or pleasure. However, if social realisation is not judged according to the criteria of "benefit" or "happiness", but by the abilities or chances – which people actually have – to take part in the destinies of others, then change arises in us, then other perspectives open up: the garden of peaceful and loving creative humane life.


>> Index      >> Questions







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter:

Symphony of Peace
»significatio passiva«
A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions
H. Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
   Cultural analytical Dialogue
J. The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
L. Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
P. About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the wise Serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – the religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
Transculturality and Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Universel – Intertextual Human Experience
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge