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Index essence Alpha et Omega | |||||||||||
Love needs foundations:
otherwise there is a danger of increasing neurotic and psychotic patterns.
neurotic and psychotic patterns. Men who are primarily concerned about their
personality and their wellbeing in this world will not benefit from religious
teachings on 'The Beloved Lord' before they have not made a specific pledge to
protect the feminine as well as the welfare of their own souls. Similarly, women
with psychotic feelings of guilt, teachings about 'The Great Mother' and 'The
Great Goddess' fall on unhealthy ground: this is where the foundations lie in
retreats for strengthening the spiritual personality before 'Mrs. Holles Bed'
can even be made. If it is true that the causing of women's psychosomatic
illnesses is found in the intimacies of psychosexual lives of neurotic men, and
chaos, disease, wars and epidemics are reactions to this expression of
irreligious desire, dialogue cannot but betray the secret of soulless interreligiosity.
So wie es den Unterschied gibt, zwischen 'historischem Jesus' und
'kosmischem Christus', so erscheint klar die Differenz zwischen göttlicher
Gegenwart des Femininen und einer göttlichen Transzendenz, die 'weibliche Seite
Gottes', als die kulturell-kreative Seele des Männlichen. Jedoch nur wenn edle
Männer 'den Wein göttlicher Gegenwart' in sich spüren, und auch nur in den
Umständen, wo sie geschützt sind vom Verrat, den man findet in der Welt, ist
ihre Seele offen für jene Offenbarung, die 'das Brot des Himmels' genannt. Dann
kommt 'die Wiederkunft Christi' als 'das Planetarische Bewusstsein der Frauen'
zur Welt und wir lesen die Natur 'global ethics' in jedem Mann und jeder Frau,
wie in einem Buch.
Foundations for New Patronage
The need of men to improve themselves, must be related to the illumining
of their cultural conscience, with the possibility of comparing the warring
lifestyle of the elite {pleasure marriages, Russian Church, Sharia, concubinage}
with the 'dialogical symposium' – »the banquet in the Noorunnisa garden« –, that
a peace conference of the earth can result from it. It is the same with the
young women mystics of our time; however, they share their ideas only with the
like-minded. In different ages, 'vestal virgins' have emerged and founded
psychoanalytical schools of thought and wisdom; the understanding of life is one
and the same: women who evolve under different atmospheric conditions vary in
'creative personality', the art of planetary action, according to the archetypes
{Rama Krishna or Shiva} with whom they are united – but they retain 'the soul
quality of Bodhisattva' (Matthew 22:37) in all situations.
recognises the archetype only through an exemplar (Ibn Arabi)
Like the Cultural-Creative's work reveals 'Buddha as the Beloved Lord', giving
healing from 'psychotic plagues', so worship of the 'Immaculate Conception',
which is the neurotic's path of learning to end the world war, can mature in the
presence of the Divine Mother {Manat, Black Madonna and Great Mother}. But the
knowledge that women attain by realising within themselves the Buddha archetype,
of which they are the exemplar as 'Green Tara', is only a preliminary stage to
that enlightening sense of love, to know oneself through the knowledge which the
Divine Mother has of herself through the heart of spiritually creative men.
génitum, non factum
The difference between natural women and 'women in planetary consciousness' is
not that the former are completely devoid of the higher mental-spiritual
element, but that the enlightened being in women does not of itself have the
power of Planetary Consciousness and that, in order to give birth to it, it must
first be "fertilised" by 'the Pentecostal polity (Soloviev, The Justification of
the good)', by men {Solar City} who having become wholly »Mary«.
These enlightened spiritual souls can beget planetary-humane
femininity. Lions, on the other hand only sire lionesses, inescapable
real goal of paternal spirituality lies in the transformation of female nature
itself, which, such as it is, is constantly opponing the totalitarian process,
the monstrous experiment of abolishing spontaneity as a female mode of behaviour
of transforming it into a thing that, given the same conditions, will always
behave in the same way. (after Hannah Arendt, Elements and Origins of Total
Domination). But also "religion" will demonstrably achieve nothing if it tries
to persuade women nowadays, that it would be better if femininity were to
abandon its infatuation towards fragile men, or physical -, mental - or
spiritually strong masculinity. If women would be really able to cure the
passion of 'having loved in their own way' (L. Tolstoy) – with the
consequences of unforeseen illness or lifelong unhappiness – it is because it
was successful to act upon subtle imaginative powers of the heart of the female
soul, but not of transpersonal reason. The psychoanalytical dialogue of the
Cultural-Creatives can awaken in women the intelligently working organic
capacity of a 'love for the enlightened souls: as Ramas, Krishnas, Shivas and
Buddhas in the present time', which has been dormant until this moment; which is
able to bring to effect a more efficacious healing power than the conscious will
of men to spiritual 'Universal Worship'. But how is dialogue able to do this?
Either, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, the power to say "No!" has
been given to the collective feminine, or one's own preaching of the 'teachings
of the Lord' has awakened a love for beauty and the conscience of the New
Femininity has, in the spirit of guidance, made accessible its source of the
divine power 'Nom-du-Père', which had hitherto been considered lost in the being
of »woman«. Austerity – the »No« of spiritual femininity – may remind the
Cultural Creatives of the Marian ideal, to guide the suffering femininity back
to the "Yes" of love through dialogue.
must also first become "capable of relationship" just as men – only in
complementary practice, by clearing away their coarsest emotional veils and
obscurations through preparatory spiritual exercises, and then acquire mental
merits in the giving of Dharma. Only after this it is possible to receive more
advanced teachings that relate to» the love«; and in order to apply these
effectively, women need to know what they are doing, why they are doing it and,
above all, with whom. Any woman who thinks she can get along without this basis
will make gross mistakes and her wrong views »About Relationship Life« and the
attachment to it, will only increase as long as she has not understood the
basics. For 'some men never marry' (cf. Matthew 19:12). Instead of allowing
their seed to flow downwards, they use to raise it up to the brain. They are
called "dervishes who elevate". Since they raise the semen, mainly through the
process of dhikr, their mind is enabled to work productively and their life span
increases. In this way dervishes take upon themselves all kinds of abstentions
with perseverance to be raised to the 'omnipotence of Allah'. However, they will
be Europe's worst teachers in this if faith in the one is lacking to whom 'The
Three Kings from the East' prostrated themselves: and worshipped.
often happens to women that they love 'bad men' with disregard for their sense
of shame, because it requires a spiritual consciousness to feel shame
essentially. However, when women feel ashamed, usually naturally from midlife
onwards, this is almost always accompanied by considerable speechlessness. With
men, on the other hand, with the increase of spiritual power, the sense of shame
decreases, lies increase [does this explain the desire for warfare, a ruthless
murdering of young men for the purpose of serial marriages?]. The emergence of the archetypes brings about transformation – in reverence. The reverent whole is formed out of different parts that fit together. And when the sun had healed the psychic organism of the Great Goddess, and the grave is empty, and wind overcame fear, and the shame of the earth found its sacred place, the heavens trembled at thy birth, O Lord, for fear of thy fire, and the earth trembled for fear of thy wrath. O Vishnu, thou art space and wind, fire, water and earth.
>> Index >> Transcultural Mentoring
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essence Alpha
et Omega
Table of contents of each chapter
Musical Introduction
»significatio passiva«
Book of
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
Of the Inner Images
Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible
au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
Cultural analytical Dialogue
The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
with the wise serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred
New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural
Cultural Heritage of Humanity
and Songs
Der Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge